
I sometimes get asked the status of various Greek-related projects I’m working on. Because I tend to work in fits and starts and many smaller projects are just individual pieces of a much larger vision, I thought it would be useful to maintain a single page that outlines all the stuff I’m working on and the status of each part.

Also see my Now page.

greek-texts greek-texts

Collaboration on Greek texts and vocabulary lists for learners.

Diorisis Ancient Greek Corpus diorisis

Improving this tagged corpus.

Python tools for exploring vocabulary stats and ordering vocabulary-tools

See Consolidating Vocabulary Coverage and Ordering Tools.

Apostolic Fathers apostolic-fathers

Correcting the Perseus / Open Greek and Latin Project text of Lake and eventually lemmatising and parsing it.

Python library for Greek Inflection greek-inflexion

A Python 3 library for generating (and analyzing) Ancient Greek inflectional paradigms (initially verbs).

This builds on inflexion library, adding a stem database and ending rules for Ancient Greek along with accentuation logic built on top of greek-accentuation library.

It can precisely generate (i.e. without over-generation) all the forms in the verbal paradigms in Louise Pratt’s The Essentials of Greek Grammar, Helma Dik’s Nifty Greek Handouts, and Keller and Russell’s Learn to Read Greek.

For each generated form, it can show the stem, ending, and morphophonological (sandhi) rule applied.

Being used to build the comprehensive stem database for the Morphological Lexicon.

Generic Code for Morphological Generation and Parsing inflexion

Non-Greek-specific library for doing inflection with stems, endings and sandhi rules, used by greek-inflexion.

See the blog post for more details.

Python library for Greek Accentuation greek-accentuation

A Python 3 library for accenting (and analyzing the accentuation of) Ancient Greek words. There’s definitely some internal hackery but it successfully works in accenting the output of greek-inflexion perfectly.

Morphological Tagging of the SBLGNT morphgnt/sblgnt

REST API for MorphGNT morphgnt/morphgnt-api

Experimental REST API for MorphGNT.

Morphological Lexicon of New Testament Greek morphgnt/morphological-lexicon (out of date)

NOTE: The repo does not yet reflect the work done the last year on verb inflection (see above) but will in late 2016.

Python + XeTeX tool for generating Greek readers greek-reader

Simple step on the path to the much more ambitious graded reader work below, this beta-quality tool can be used for generating traditional readers based on MorphGNT and (optionally) the Morphological Lexicon.

Most of the improvements to this will come from better data sources (see other projects on this page) but there’s an experimental SILE backend being worked on.

Python library for Unicode Collation pyuca

Production-ready library for sorting of Polytonic Greek (and most other languages).

Python library for accessing MorphGNT SBLGNT morphgnt/py-sblgnt

A pip-installable Python library for accessing the morphologically tagged SBLGNT.

Python Greek Utilities greek-utils

Alpha-quality library with various utilities useful for dealing with Ancient Greek texts.

Greek Infinitives List morphgnt/infinitives

By popular request (okay, Jonathan Robie asked me), a list of all present and aorist infinitives for Greek verbs in the New Testament. This is programmatically generated by code in the (now superceded) greek-inflection repo and the stem database being developed as part of the Morphological Lexicon.

New Kind of Graded Reader graded-reader

Tools for creating computer-generated, corpus-driven graded readers.

Learning Greek learning-greek

A site drawing from all of the above to help people learn Biblical Greek and research how to improve the way people learn Biblical Greek.