I was here last month but I’m back again for a series of conferences and then my graduation.

Last week I attended the inaugural Language, Data and Knowledge conference in Galway, Ireland including the OntoLex Model Workshop which preceded it. The LDK conference was a nice intersection of linguistics and linked data very much in the spirit of the work described on this website. I got to met a few people I’ve known of for a while as well as meet some new people I hope to stay in touch with and potentially collaborate with. The conference will be biennial, with the next one in Leipzig. I definitely plan to submit something for that one!

Then I attended VueConf in Wrocław, Poland. Vue.js is the JavaScript framework I’m using for my online reading environment work and the timing turned out perfectly for me to attend. I gave a lightning talk on the DeepReader project (which I’ll also blog about here soon).

I’m currently in Leipzig just to visit some people at the Humboldt Chair of Digital Humanities again.

Then I’m heading to Cambridge for the Tyndale House Workshop in Greek Prepositions. Looking forward to seeing a lot of my friends there and having some good discussions, not just about the topic at hand but more broadly as well.

Then I’m heading to Lampeter, Wales for my graduation on July 7th. Three years ago, I decided that it might be useful for me to have a qualification in Classical Greek as well as in linguistics and so I started pursuing a postgraduate diploma at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. Two days ago, I found out I’m being awarded the diploma with Distinction which was my unspoken hope despite occasionally doing poorly at my unseen translations.