In many Greek morphology projects, I’ve wanted a way of conveying the surface form of an inflected word while also conveying the underlying components prior to the application of the sandhi rule. A couple of years ago, I came up with a simple representation for inline annotation.

Say you want to convey the fact that φιλοῦμεν comes from φιλε + ομεν by application of the rule that ε + ο → ου. In the representation I’ve been using you’d write φιλ|ε>ου<ο|μεν.

This enables you to see the stem and affix easily but also the result of sandhi.

So what A|B>C<D|E means is there is a sandhi rule that B + D → C and that rule has been applied in AB + DE to form ACE.

Using Stump’s terminology introduced in a previous post:

  • A / φιλ is the theme
  • CE / ουμεν is the distinguisher
  • AB / φιλε is the stem
  • DE / ομεν is the affix

It also means that you can search for |B>C<D| to find where that particular sandhi rule has been applied.